Feb 09 3 min read

The Ultimate Guide To OES Benefits: Part 4 – More Control


In Part Four of this series, US LED reveals how Operational Efficiency Solutions (OES) provide a complete line of sight of your portfolio, including the ability to manage individual property systems and stay ahead of issues. In case you missed it, read Part Three here.

Energy management is becoming an increasingly important part of business strategy as companies pay more attention to their energy usage to identify potential cost savings, reduce their carbon footprint, and prepare for the future. As a result, the demand for efficient energy management technologies is rising.

What is the most effective way for businesses to overcome potential obstacles and achieve their goals? The answer lies in implementing OES in an ecosystem approach that can address immediate energy concerns while providing portfolio growth options and benefits.

Framing The Opportunity For Energy Efficiency

Businesses are witnessing a convergence of trends, presenting an opportunity for greater interactivity among assets. One of these trends is the growing focus on the digital transformation of processes and assets. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) facilitate widespread connectivity for every aspect of a business's operations, from production to HVAC to lighting. This connectivity enables efficient management, optimization, and maintenance of assets through data acquisition that provides valuable insights and improved ability to manage those assets.

The second trend is the electrification of fleets, machines, and HVAC systems in buildings, which is happening alongside the broader energy transition across the economy. With the increasing focus on sustainability, companies are actively seeking ways to electrify their energy use. This focus results from pressure from investors, customers, and employees seeking ways to reduce carbon emissions. Business leaders are exploring how electrification can support their efforts to decarbonize their operations.

The third trend is energy management, which involves keeping track of energy consumption and optimizing it to attain organizational objectives, such as lowering costs and carbon emissions. Further, business leaders are becoming more cautious about ensuring the uninterrupted operation of critical assets and taking a more proactive approach to maintenance to tackle potential issues with building systems.

More Control With Energy Management

With the advancement of these trends, the concept of "smart" energy management has expanded beyond individual systems to include the entire building. It now comprises interconnecting disparate systems, like HVAC and lighting, to optimize energy usage and enhance occupant comfort. Implementing an Energy Management System (EMS) enables the collection and analysis of data from those systems using meters, sensors, and controls to allow managing them. With internet access, the authorized person can see the data displayed in a centralized interface and manage it remotely. An EMS can include multiple properties and provide complete visibility of an entire portfolio.

An EMS leverages contextual data to optimize energy usage, reduce overhead costs, and improve occupant comfort. This smart energy management system holds the key to unlocking the potential of buildings by monitoring, controlling, measuring, and optimizing energy consumption. More importantly, additional efficiencies are gained through revealed insights, such as unused assets auto-idling and potential maintenance issues. 

Other EMS benefits include but are not limited to:

  • Active monitoring of environmental conditions at one or more properties and receiving automatic alerts for potential issues.

  • Automatic equipment alerts that diagnose electrical and mechanical faults for predictive maintenance to avoid downtime and prolong the life of the equipment.

  • Technology improves daily operations by controlling HVAC systems to respond efficiently to demand without sacrificing occupant comfort and self-adjusting for seasonal changes.

  • Real-time analytics showing daily use, historical trends, and any anomalies.

  • Active load management with AI strategies that optimize usage while demand response programs create additional cash flow opportunities.

  • Reductions in GHG emissions and lowering of a property’s carbon footprint.

No matter the benefit, EMS provides a real-world understanding of energy usage that facility management can apply to policies for greater operational efficiency. An EMS solution empowers data-driven decision-making around energy usage and how it affects operations. The insights from EMS allow businesses to reduce waste, align teams for effective energy management, and improve the bottom line.

Implementing Energy Management Systems

For most organizations, the decision to implement an EMS solution is easy because of the converging trends driving adoption. The benefits of smart energy management and harnessing data for better decision-making around operational efficiency will be paramount to avoiding many future risks. With sophisticated technologies and favorable financial incentives, OES provides new opportunities for organizations to accelerate energy-efficient systems and smart energy management.

Is your organization looking to implement OES? US LED can be a dedicated turnkey partner to implement LED lighting, HVAC controls, EMS, and other Operational Efficiency Solutions. With a holistic approach to energy management, US LED helps to implement the right solutions that can lead your organization to substantial cost savings and enable positive business outcomes in the ever-changing future.

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