US LED CEO Ron Farmer on The Green Insider Podcast

Written by The US LED Team | Oct 4, 2022 5:37:01 PM

Tune into eRENEWABLE and The Green Insider Podcast to hear US LED CEO Ron Farmer discuss the history of LED lighting development and how that technology is critical in helping companies reduce their carbon footprint. 

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The Green Insider Podcast powered by eRENEWABLE features the brightest minds in the industry to help lead the energy transition. In a recent episode, US LED CEO Ron Farmer discussed the history of LED lighting, how the technology developed, and how US LED is helping to accelerate ESG strategies for companies asking for a reliable partner to meet their goals.

"All publicly traded companies right now are graded by their ESG scores," explained Farmer. "We've started working with some pretty forward-looking REITs, and they're really enjoying that. We're able to flush out some buildings that have been left behind ten years later that have never been retrofitted [to LED]."

Since 2001, US LED has been the leading full-service provider of commercial and industrial LED lighting solutions in the United States. Thanks to decades of engineering expertise, US LED continuously offers ultra-long-life LED lighting that approaches or exceeds 200,000-Hour L70 lifetimes. These LED lighting lifetimes contribute significantly to energy conservation and sustainability projects associated with ESG.

"I think that people in the United States are pretty aware and involved with reducing their carbon footprint," said Farmer. "I give them credit, and we as a nation have done a pretty good job."

If your organization is looking to implement LED lighting upgrades that support ESG strategies, our lighting experts are available to discuss your project or national program rollout with you. Click here to contact the team.